Intajalamal for investment ( Logistics Service ) is rated 3 out of 5 in the category logistics and supply chain. Read and write reviews about Intajalamal for investment ( Logistics Service ). Customs Clearance Customs clearance service is one of the major services we offer to our customers through our branches throughout the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at King Khalid International Airport, Riyadh Dry Port in Riyadh and King Abdul Aziz Port in Dammam. The company has an elite of qualified personnel and highly experienced human cadres to complete all transactions and procedures in the field of customs clearance with a high level of speed and professionalism, in addition to management work systems and advanced programs that ensure the highest quality of customers. Loading and Unloading Yards/Areas/Spaces In this service, the company provides its customers with the service of loading and unloading containers of all kinds, storage of containers and goods and the unloading and loading of goods in containers, in addition to storage for long periods of time. The company has areas near the ports in its branches in Riyadh and Dammam, which includes the latest means of logistical support tools: equipment, cranes and professional workers to store, load and unload goods and containers, to be after transferred to the places of customers. Transport Transport service is one of the distinctive services that the company is proud of offering to its customers. This service is supervised and controlled by a number of officials and experts in the field of transport. This is in addition to the professional human resources that are trained to provide the best services in terms of quality of transport and speed of access and completion of procedures. Through its branches in the cities across the Kingdom, our company provides a large fleet of modern trucks and secured transport vehicles equipped with the latest follow-up systems to transport goods to customer stores on time and around the clock 24/7.
Company size
501-1000 employees